Dr. James Little

455 W Broadway, Jackson, WY 83001, USA

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  • Shepard Humphries   Nov 27, 2014

    Yesterday I broke down and visited a doc for the first time in many years. I don't like the idea of using drugs to mask the pain from problems caused by the lousy lifestyle I choose. Also, I am self-employed and have a $10k deductible, so of course I avoid medical care whenever possible. (hey government, how about getting rid of your regulations of the industry to I can buy help when I need it) Yesterday however, despite my misgivings of the medical establishment, the pain from a recent injury was too great, so I went in. after a short wait, Dr. Little came in and gave me an exam. He did not encourage surgery, unneeded drugs, expensive unneeded further testing or follow-up visits and was very kind, professional and friendly. I will definitely return when needed.

  • Mike   Jul 11, 2020

    Thank you St. John’s Urgent Care! My wife and I had flown into Jackson Hole to celebrate our 30yr Wedding anniversary when I had a gout attack set in my left knee. Everyone from Karalee at the front desk, to my RN(sorry didn’t get her name), and Dr. Little were fantastic. They were very thorough and were able to treat me to the point the trip ended up being wonderful. I arrived around 4:15pm. on a Wednesday and was out by 5:30pm.. by 6:30pm. I had my prescriptions and started treatment. The next morning i had significant relief from the pain, and continued to get better each day, and by Saturday was feeling normal. If you are visiting from out of state and need urgent care services I would highly recommend St. John’s Urgent Care. Thank you to the team and specifically Dr. Little. .

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