Wyoming Wilderness Association

5 Lane Ln, Sheridan, WY 82801, USA

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  • Martha Jenkins   Jun 04, 2022
  • Ted Lapis   Oct 07, 2017

    Wyoming Wilderness Association (WWA) is working to protect authentic wild places in Wyoming. The paradox of wild, is that untrammeled areas, are endangered by tourism marketing, technology, population increases, and attitudes fostered by Hollywood mythologies. Small towns often have only one job for a couple, capable of paying the mortgage. Wyoming people too often learn that the “Wyoming Golden Rule”, is that the “Man with the gold, makes the rules.” Wyoming citizens often vote against their own best interests. WWA’s Young Ambassadors for Wilderness (YAW) program, immerses youth in programs designed to both enhance their appreciation for untrammeled ground, and to understand the processes required to establish a legacy for future generations. Wyoming running out of wild, is not an option!

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